Did you know our breakfast and lunch menus are online? You can access the menus by going to the Van-Far website/app, by typing lookup.nutrisclice.com in your browser, or by downloading the Nutrisclice app. Digital menus include nutritional information for each meal.
about 4 years ago, Brian Hummel
School breakfast and lunch menus are digital
The Book Fair will open tomorrow! The book fair is open to in-person students only from 7:30-8:15 each day. After school hours are for parents and anyone in the community wishing to shop. Wearing a mask is encouraged and we ask you maintain a safe distance from other shoppers.
about 4 years ago, Brian Hummel
Book Fair days and times for shopping.
Book Fair set up.
Elementary school pictures will be coming home this week. Please be on the look out for them! Picture retake/absentee day is scheduled for October 21. Mark your calendars!
about 4 years ago, Brian Hummel
PTO is sponsoring a Family Reading Race event on October 8. The event will consist of challenges that your family will complete focused on a variety of skills and levels for students. If you are wanting to participate, please register by clicking on the following link. You can also read more details about the event. The book fair will be opened 4:00-7:30 that evening for families to shop. You do not have to participate in the event to shop the book fair. https://forms.gle/xBdA3miTfvDCVMcv9
about 4 years ago, Brian Hummel
There are two program opportunities for students and families to participate in through the local YMCA. Registration is taking place now for both of these events. See the flyers for details on each on the programs, Fall Family Fun Day and Fall Basketball League.
over 4 years ago, Brian Hummel
YMCA Fall Family Fun Day, October 17
YMCA Fall Basketball League
Nutrition Nuggets - Food and Fitness for a Healthy Child We encourage your family to read through the Nutrition Nuggets and pick an activity or two to try as a family. Comment which activity you liked best!
over 4 years ago, Brian Hummel
Nutrition Nuggets
Nutrition Nuggets
It's Scholastic Book Fair Time! From October 1-9, discover new books with your kids. All books purchased helps support our school. You can begin shopping by visiting this link: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/vanfarelementaryschool1 The exact days and times of in person shopping was sent home Friday.
over 4 years ago, Brian Hummel
Save the Date for our Book Fair!
Spirit and Pride order forms went home last week. Orders are only accepted online at spiritandpride.com or by calling the company. Our school ID is 9234. Orders need to be placed by October 2. Ordering is open to anyone interested in Van-Far apparel.
over 4 years ago, Brian Hummel
Spirit and Pride Orders Options
JH Lady Indians get the win against Montgomery County 14-11. Great play JH Lady Indians! #onetribe #staygold
over 4 years ago, Van-Far R1 School District
Huddle at the mound
Elementary students will bring home interest forms for flu shots today. Please return as soon as possible. Ralls County Health Department will give the shots for free, but we need an idea of how many need to be ordered. If you have questions contact Nurse Allen at the school. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Brian Hummel
Jr/Sr High Students will bringing home interest forms for flu shots today. They can be picked up from the nurses office and main office as well. These need to be returned as soon as possible. Ralls County Health Department will come and give the shots for free, but we need an idea of how many to order. Thank you, Nurse Allen
over 4 years ago, Kim Pafford
Good morning Van-Far Elementary!! Looking forward to seeing all of our AWESOME students and staff come through the doors this morning! Let’s have a Terrific Tuesday! Thank you Mr. Lawrence for the artwork on the sidewalk!!
over 4 years ago, Brian Hummel
Awesome students and staff enter here!
Awesome students and staff enter here!
Our lost and found display is full! Please remind your child to check for lost clothing items.
over 4 years ago, Brian Hummel
Lost and found clothing
If you are wanting to order a Van-Far Indians shirt from PTO, orders and payment need to be turned into the office tomorrow, Tuesday, September 22.
over 4 years ago, Brian Hummel
Van-Far Indians shirt design
It was a great day of softball for the VF JH Lady Indians. After a slow start in game 1, they came back to win the last two. Great play ladies.
over 4 years ago, Van-Far R1 School District
We would like to thank the WERDCC Restorative Justice Program for donating craft glue to the Art Department. We appreciate the support!
over 4 years ago, Brian Hummel
Thank you!
2019-2020 JH/HS Yearbooks are in! The books were passed out to students this morning. If you need to pickup a pre-ordered yearbook, you can do so TODAY between 4:30 and 6:00 pm at the front entrance of the HS. There are a limited number for purchase for $50. Don't forget to order a 2020-2021 Yearbook now! Prices will go up soon. The yearbook staff has been hard at work planning this year's book!
over 4 years ago, Van-Far R1 School District
Yearbook Staff
The Van-Far FFA is conducting their annual FFA fundraising sales starting today through October 6th! If you are interested in purchasing one of the items click the link below to place your order online. If ordering online you can still designate a student to receive credit for the sale at checkout. The Van-Far FFA appreciates your support! http://van-far-ffa.square.site/
over 4 years ago, Kim Pafford
Instrument Rental Night for sixth grade students interested in band will be held Wednesday, September 16, at 6:00. See the flyer for information. Representatives from Lincoln County Music Supply will be onsite to discuss instruments and financing options.
over 4 years ago, Brian Hummel
Instrument Rental Night.
There is a new book at Tri-County Park called Bear Feels Sick. The weather over the next week is going to be gorgeous! Stop by the park for a walk and enjoy a good book too!
over 4 years ago, Brian Hummel
Book Walk at Tri-County Park.