Thursday Announcements

Bus 6 will be a late route today.  Students will need to wait in the cafeteria.

Class Officer Applications are due tomorrow, Friday, May 14th to the following sponsors:   
8th Grade: Mr. Osch
9th Grade: Coach Kliewer
10th Grade: Mr. Rost
11th Grade: Mrs. McCurdy

Friday, May 14 – Senior Graduation practice at 8:00 am. Make sure you have your cap and gown with you for the walk thru at the Elementary school. Picnic to follow.

There will be a short boys basketball meeting at 7:30 AM in the gym Friday morning for any boys interested in playing varsity/junior varsity basketball next year.  Please be on time!  We will go over our summer schedule.

Hi-Bye will be held on May 14th from 6-8 p.m. this year!  Masks must be worn during the dance on Friday.  Do not show up without one or you will not be able to attend. You must be in Good Standing, library books returned, and iPad and charger checked in or paid for to be able to go. If you have any questions, contact Mrs. Robinson.  

JH Student Council members need to check their Schoology for messages from Mrs. Robinson about the Hi-Bye Dance.

Saturday Detention this Saturday, May 15th from 8:00-11:00 a.m.  Sign up is across from the office.  Doors will lock at 8:00 a.m. so make sure you arrive a few minutes early.  

Sunday, May 16 – Seniors need to park in the bus loop and be here by 1:00 pm.

Sunday, May 16 – Graduation at 2:00 pm. Doors will open at 1:15.

The Vandalia YMCA will be celebrating 2021 Graduates on Sunday, June 6 from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Donating one canned good item is required for admittance.  A flyer is posted on the window at the office for more information or contact Debbie Hopke at 594.2208

Senior Graduation Picture packets will be given to seniors on Friday, May 14 during Graduation practice.  Orders may be placed online at using flyer code 58746V.

If you pay by check, make them out to Inter-State Studio & Publishing Co.  These pictures will be professional pictures. Live Senior Pictures will be taken during graduation and proofs of those pictures will be emailed to parents to order if you choose too.

FREE Physicals will be given to students on June 2 at Bowling Green High School at TBA.

Underclassmen Awards schedule for Last day of School on Thursday, May 20th.
8:15 am – 7th Grade Awards
8:45 am – 9th Grade Awards
9:15 am – 10th Grade Awards
9:45 am – 11th Grade Awards

The Vandalia YMCA is looking for volunteers to help with the Summer Food Program at the Y from June 28th to July 30th. There is a flyer on the window at the office or for more information please contact Debbie Hopke.  

EAP Teacher: Robinson

Lunch Today:  Cheesy Chicken pasta; Bacon cheeseburger; Italian sub; Taco salad; served with fresh garden salad, chilled fruit.

Lunch Tomorrow:  Italian pizza; French dip sandwich; Peanut butter and jelly sandwich; Chef salad; served with fresh garden salad, chilled fruit.

Thursday, May 13

Baseball away at Montgomery Co. at 5:00 pm. Bus leaves at 3:10.

Senior trip to Mid-way and Skyzone. Bus leaves at 9:00.

Friday, May 14

Senior Graduation Practice at 8:00 am, Senior Picnic to follow.

Saturday, May 15

Saturday Detention from 8:00 to 11:00 am. 

HS Sectional Track.

Sunday, May 16

Graduation at 2:00 pm. 

Monday, May 17

Baseball away at Silex vs Louisiana at 4:00 pm. Bus leaves at TBA.

Tuesday, May 18

NJHS Induction at 5:00 pm.

Wednesday, May 19

8th grade Promotion at 6:00 pm. 

Spring Athletic Awards at 7:00 pm.

Thursday, May 20

Underclassmen Awards begin at 8:15 am. (See schedule in announcements)

Early Out at 12:30 pm. 

Board of Education meeting at 7:00 pm.