Bus 8 will be running a late route today. Students need to wait in front of the office today
Any A+ student who would like to work at Summer School, please see Mrs. Utterback. The deadline is May 7.
MAP testing continues. We will not have bells during this time. All hallways need to be as quiet as possible. Please do not use your locker between 1st and 2nd hour in any hallway. There will be students testing throughout the building. During passing times, all students need to be respectful of those that are testing and keep the halls as quiet as possible. Students will still need to be to class on time, we will just be using the clocks instead of bells. Thank you in advance for your help.
SENIORS – You need to RSVP to the First Baptist Church by Saturday, May 1 if you plan on attending the Senior Banquet/Baccalaureate on Wednesday, Map 12th at 6:00 pm. You may RSVP to church.office@fbcvandalimo.com or call the church office at 594-6535.
Senior Graduation Picture packets will be given to seniors on Friday, May 14 during Graduation practice. Orders may be placed online at www.inter-state.com/Order using flyer code 58746V. If you pay by check, make them out to Inter-State Studio & Publishing Co.
Class Officer Positions: If you are currently in grades 8-11 and interested in being a class officer for the coming 2021-2022 school year, please fill out a class officer application on the office ledge by Friday, May 14. Please turn in your completed application to
- Mr. Oesch--8th grade
- Coach Kliewer--9th grade
- Mr. Rost--10th grade
- Mrs. McCurdy--11th grade
Hi-Bye T-shirt’s will be on sale until this Friday. The cost is $10 and sign up with Mrs. Robinson.
Hi-Bye will be held on May 14th from 6-8 p.m. this year! You must be in Good Standing to be able to go. All your library books must be turned in to be able to go. If you have any questions, contact Mrs. Robinson.
Saturday Detention this Saturday, May 1st from 8:00-11:00 a.m. Sign up is across from the office. Doors will lock at 8:00 a.m. so make sure you arrive a few minutes early.
For the seniors that completed an application for the VFTA Scholarship, the committee has posted a sign-up sheet by the office, on the bulletin board, for you to sign-up for a time to interview on Thursday May 6th. If you have any questions about interview times, please let either Ms. Weiss or Mr. Stuedle know.
Seniors if you have been awarded scholarships to your college/university or vocational school, please let the counselors office know so they can be announced at the awards night, May 11.
A+ students who are needing hours. May 1st is spruce up the Farber Sportsman ballpark day from 10am to 4pm. They need volunteers to help with painting, scraping, and staining the dugouts, picnic tables, and playground equipment. This would be a great way to earn a few hours and help out the community. Please bring tools if you have any available. The sign up sheet is posted on the bulletin board across from the office.
EAP Teacher: Robinson
Lunch Today: Italian pizza; Chicken patty on bun; Peanut butter and jelly sandwich; Popcorn chicken salad; served with fresh garden salad, chilled fruit.
Lunch Tomorrow: Bacon Cheeseburger; Taco; Turkey club sub; BLTE salad; served with fresh garden salad, chilled fruit.
Friday, April 30
Baseball away at Louisiana at 5:00 pm. Bus leaves at 3:50.
Saturday, May 1
Saturday Detention from 8:00 am to 11:00 am. Door lock at 8:00.
Monday, May 3
Baseball at home against Sturgeon at 5:00 pm. Gate Duty: B McCurdy
Tuesday, May 4
HS Track EMO Conference away at North Callaway at 4:00 pm. Bus leaves at 2:15. (Change of Location)Wednesday, May 5
FFA Area Banquet at Montgomery Co. School at 5:00 pm.Thursday, May 6
Quiz Bowl Final Four and State Competition in Columbia. Bus leaves at 10:00 am.