Wednesday Announcements

Bus 1 will be riding on Bus 11 for this week only and will load on the 2nd round of buses. Students will wait in Mr. Edwards room.

Bus 9 will NOT be a late bus anymore.  Bus 9 is a 2nd round bus and should wait in Mrs. Weiss room.

Any A+ student interested in earning hours, the Farber Fire Department has asked for assistance with working the baseball concession stands. There is a sign up sheet across from the office on the bulletin board. 

Juniors: remember class dues must be paid if you plan to attend prom. Online payment is available in SIS.  

Thursday, April 1st, is LIGHT IT UP BLUE Day!  This is a world-wide day to show your support for Autism Awareness by wearing a blue SHIRT to school.  Mrs. Robinson will be around 7th hour to give out treats to those students, faculty, and staff who are showing their support.

There is a sign up sheet for Project Prom t-shirts on the bulletin board across from the office.  Shirts are free to Juniors and Seniors, but you need to sign up with your shirt size.  Your guest shirt cost $5.00.  Deadline to sign up is April 9.  You can attend Project Prom even if you do not attend Prom.

STUCO SENIORS:  Applications for the Red Cross Scholarship and the Student Council Scholarship are available on the Scholarship menu option of the Van-Far home page.  Applications must be completed and turned-in to Mr. Rost no later than April 16th.

Juniors and Seniors-Prom will be held Saturday, April 24.  Please remember that you must be in good standing to attend. The Prom Checkpoint will be April 20, which is only 4 days before Prom. Please be aware of your eligibility. 

Monday, April 12 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm Sacred Heart Catholic Church will be holding a FREE Drive-thru Burrito lunch including chips, fruit cup, cookie and water.  

NJHS and the Special Education Department will be holding a raffle for the STRIKE OUT AUTISM baseball game on April 8th.  There are lists of prizes for the raffle around school and you may buy tickets from an NJHS member or Mrs. Robinson.  Raffle tickets are $1 for one, $5 for 6, and $10 for an arms length.

NJHS is selling Autism Awareness Puzzle Pieces for $1 for the Strike Out Autism baseball game which all proceeds will go to Camp Barnabas and Easter Seals Midwest.  

EAP Teacher: Robinson

Lunch Today:  Chicken patty; Ham and Cheese sub; Italian chef salad; served with fresh garden salad, chilled fruit.

Lunch Tomorrow:  Cheeseburger; Turkey club sub; Taco salad; served with fresh garden salad, chilled fruit.

Wednesday, March 31

Bright Future T-shirt/Jean Day.

FFA District Contest away at Troy at 9:00 am. Bus leaves at TBA.

Golf away at Louisiana at 4:00 pm.

Thursday, April 1

Light It Up Blue day.

Mock Interview Day

Band away to Wright City. Bus leaves at 9:00 am.

Golf plays at Vandalia Country Club at 4:00 pm.

Baseball away at Wellsville at 5:00 pm. Bus leaves at 3:50.

Friday, April 2

No School - Spring Break

No Vo-tech classes.

Monday, April 5

No Vo-Tech classes.

Tuesday, April 6

HS Track away at Bowling Green at 4:00 pm. Bus leaves at 2:50.