Bus 9 will be running a late route in the afternoons until further notice. Students can wait in the cafeteria.
Bus 6 will be running 10 minutes early for the morning route until further notice. Students need to be ready to get on the bus.
School will be In-Session on Monday, March 29. There will be no school on Friday, April 2 for Good Friday/Easter break.
Do not forget the Bake-n-Take will be setup tomorrow, Friday, March 19 before school! We will be setup by Mrs. Flint’s room and the library.
Juniors and Seniors-Prom will be held Saturday, April 24. Please remember that you must be in good standing to attend. The Prom Checkpoint will be April 20, which is only 4 days before Prom. Please be aware of your eligibility.
Krispy Kreme Donuts will be delivered March 25th.
The induction for high school National Honor Society will be Wednesday, March 24th at 6:30 in the gym. All members, old and new, need to attend! If you have questions, see Mrs. Winders.
Juniors and Seniors: Thank you for getting out there and selling Shakespeare’s pizzas for project prom. If you need more order sheets they are at front desk. Don’t forget that all money and orders are due on next Friday March 26!
NJHS members are collecting toiletries like shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, etc to donate to the Homeless Shelter here in town until March 19. There is a box sitting on the office ledge for new items to be donated. Please help us gather items for a good cause. Mrs. Robinson
Juniors and Seniors: Mock Interviews are scheduled for April 1. The schedule, rubrics, and other information for mock interviews will be posted in Schoology. You will also submit your resume in the course. If you have any questions, see Mrs. McCurdy or Mr. Stuedle.
Strike Out Autism T-shirts are available to order. The order form will be on the window in front of the HS office and payment will be due by March 24th to Miss Fowler. The elementary sign up is in the copy room and Mrs. Hoyt will collect the elementary. These t-shirts are black with white design on them. The price is $10.00 each. Anyone can order them.
EAP Teacher: Robinson
Lunch Today: BBQ Rib on bun; Crispy Chicken wrap; Italian chef salad; served with fresh garden salad, chilled fruit.
Lunch Tomorrow: Italian pizza; Turkey w/cranberry sandwich; Chicken Caesar salad; served with fresh garden salad, chilled fruit
Thursday, March 18
Winter Athletic Awards at 6:00 pm in high school gym.
Board of Education meeting at 7:00 pm.
Friday, March 19
Palen Music Festival at TBA.
Saturday, March 20
FFA District Contest away at Paris at 9:00 am.
FFA Skyline Contest away at Urbana at 9:00 am.
Monday, March 22
No Vo-tech classes.
FFA Northeast District Contest away at Monroe City at 4:30 pm.
JV/V Baseball at home against Calvary Lutheran at 5:00 pm. Gate Duty: Mr. Stein
Tuesday, March 23
FFA District Pre-Qualifier at 8:00 am.
Golf away at Montgomery Co. at 4:00 pm. Bus leaves at TBA.
HS Track away at Montgomery Co. at 4:15 pm. Bus leaves at 2:50.
Wednesday, March 24
FFA District Contest away at North Shelby at 11:00 am.
NHS Induction at 6:30 pm.