September 25, 2020
Bus 9 will run a late route today after school. Students need to wait in the cafeteria.
There will be NO Vo-Tech on Monday, September 28. Forms for flu shots need to be turned...

September 24, 2020
First Impact educates parents and teens regarding Missouri’s Graduated Driver License (GDL) law. You are invited to participate in a Zoom meeting October 8, 6 p.m. Click on the ...

September 24, 2020
Bus 9 and 5 will run a late route today after school. Students need to wait in the cafeteria.
The library will be open before school every day and on Tuesdays fro 1:45 to 3:00....

September 23, 2020
The Coca-Cola Scholars Program scholarship is an achievement-based scholarship awarded to graduating high school seniors. Students are recognized for their capacity to lead and se...

September 23, 2020
As one of the nation's largest need-based college scholarship programs in the country, the Horatio Alger Scholarship Programs specifically assist high school students who have fac...

September 23, 2020
The Elks Most Valuable Scholarship-This is a local and state contest. The Mexico Elks Lodge awards $1,500 to the top qualifying male and female student, plus $500 to each runner ...

September 23, 2020
Bus 9 will run a late route today after school. Students need to wait in the cafeteria.
The library will be open before school every day and on Tuesdays fro 1:45 to 3:00.

September 22, 2020
Bus 9 will run a late route today after school. Students need to wait in the cafeteria.
The library will be open before school every day and on Tuesdays fro 1:45 to 3:00.

September 18, 2020
Bus 9 and 5 will run a late route today after school. Students need to wait in the cafeteria.
Students reminder you get to use 2 hall passes a day. Any additional exits from yo...

September 18, 2020
Bus 9 will run a late route today after school. Students need to wait in the cafeteria.
All class officer ballots are due to your class sponsors by Friday. If they do not recei...

September 16, 2020
Bus 9 will run a late route today after school. Students need to wait in the cafeteria.
ALL students that need to leave school early will require a parent or guardian calling t...

September 15, 2020
Please release the Varsity softball girls at 2:45 today to get ready.
MACC will be here on Thursday, September 17 to collect tuition fees from 11:30 to 12:30.
The Library wi...

September 11, 2020
The Library will be open before school every day for students to check out books.
Bus 9 will be a late bus today. Students need to wait in the cafeteria.
We are doing senior...

September 10, 2020
The Library will be open before school every day for students to check out books.
Bus 9 will be a late bus today. Students need to wait in the cafeteria.
Jr. High softball g...

September 3, 2020
Missouri Cattlemen's Association Scholarship Applicant must be a Missouri resident and a current paid member of the Missouri Junior Cattlemen’s Association or the parent/legal g...

August 28, 2020
Van-Far R-1 Tribe:
Yesterday, we announced a move to virtual learning until September 9th. I want to be clear that this move was not based on on...

August 28, 2020
Van-Far begins virtual learning on Friday, August 28. We will return to in-person attendance on Thursday, September 10. We have posted a video on YouTube to recap what we went...

August 27, 2020
All Students-The last day for students to change their schedules is Tuesday, September 1. Please see Mrs. Utterback if you need to add or drop classes.
High School Students-The...

August 26, 2020
All Students-The last day for students to change their schedules is Tuesday, September 1. Please see Mrs. Utterback if you need to add or drop classes.
High School Students-...

August 25, 2020
Any student wanting to be a class officer should pick up an application form on the office ledge by next Friday, August 28th. Completed applications need to be returned to s...